Disability - Arriva Italia - Aosta
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Valle d’Aosta provides a specific disabled transport service reserved for residents.
For information on how to register and use the service, visit the website: https://www.regione.vda.it/trasporti/trasportiperdisabili_i.asp

Disability and safety

To ensure the safety of our customers, access for wheelchair users on all equipped vehicles of Arriva Italia must be in compliance with the limits of the approved lift of the mobile platform.

Arriva Italia will not be held responsible in the event that the user is unable to report the total weight constituted by the user and the wheelchair, or this exceeds the limits.

Before traveling, for information on timetables and routes, we recommend that you contact the single Contact Center on 035289000.

Reservations can be made at least 24 hours in advance.

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Most frequently asked questions

People in wheelchairs can use buses. Remember, in order to provide a better service, to fill out the dedicated form within 24 working hours before the scheduled departure.

Yes, guide dogs are allowed on board buses and can travel free of charge unless the blind person is accompanied by a guide who is entitled to travel free of charge.

Our website is optimized for Google Chrome from pc. If you filled out the form from mobile or used another browser please try again from a desktop or laptop using Google Chrome.
In case the problems still persists you can contact the operators of the Contact Center for assistance in order to complete the sending of the request.

The form cannot be forwarded without accepting the processing of privacy data, as, in order to process the request, authorisation for the processing of data is required. For more information visit the page www.arriva.it/societa-trasparente/